Battery Service


Las Vegas Battery Service:….
Summer is the season for major car-battery problems. Heat, not cold, shortens battery life, says SS454 Auto Repair in Las Vegas. Excessive heat and overcharging are thus the main reasons for shortened battery life. Heat causes battery fluid to evaporate, thus damaging the internal structure of the battery. A malfunctioning component in the charging system, usually the voltage regulator, allows too high a charging rate. That’s slow death for a battery. SS454 Auto Repair in Las Vegas uses only quality batteries.
What We Do
At SS454 Auto Repair in Las Vegas, we visually inspect the following:
1. We clean your battery using a battery cleaner
2. We then thoroughly inspect your battery
3. We apply a leak detector to check for leaks or deterioration
4. We install anti-corrosion BG Battery Terminal protectors
5. Battery posts, terminals and case are sealed
6. In severe cases we may replace the terminal